Japanese Conjunctions List

Intermediate N3-N2

POINT 1 : Conjunctions that precede a sentence of adversative conjunction

ポイント1 : 逆説的(ぎゃくせつてき)なことを言(い)う文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く


1-1 ところが N3

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence expresses a fact that is the opposite of what is expected after reading the first. It has the connotation of being unexpected.


  • I was planning to go to the concert last night but I couldn’t go because I felt sick.
  • 昨夜(さくや)はコンサートに行(い)くつもりだった。ところが病気(びょうき)で行(い)けなくなった。

1-2 だが N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence does not agree with the information found in the first. It is more formal than “しかし.”


  • We are poor but happy.
  • 生活(せいかつ)は貧(まず)しい。だが幸(しあわ)せだ。

1-3 それなのに N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence expresses a fact that is not a matter of course, based on what is expected after reading the first sentence. It has the connotation of surprise and discontent.


  • I am studying very hard, but my grades have not improved.
  • 一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい)勉強(べんきょう)している。それなのに成績(せいせき)はよくならない。 

1-4 それでも N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence expresses something clearly independent of the fact mentioned in the first.


  • It is raining very hard but I have to go out.
  • 外(そと)は大雨(おおあめ)だ。それでも出(で)かけないといけない。

POINT 2 : Conjunctions that precede expressing a conclusion

ポイント2 : 帰結(きけつ)を述(の)べる文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く


2-1 そのため[に] N3

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence <expressing a fact> clearly shows a usually not good result.


  • It looks like there is an accident at the next station. The train is delayed because of that.
  • 隣(となり)の駅(えき)で事故(じこ)があったらしい。そのため[に]電車(でんしゃ)が遅(おく)れている。

2-2 それで N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence <expressing a fact> weakly shows a result or progress.


  • My mother worked so hard she became ill.
  • 母(はは)は働(はたら)きすぎた。それで病気(びょうき)になった。 

2-3 したがって N2

 Used mainly in written language to connect two sentences where the second sentence shows a logical result.


  • The professor cannot come, so the lecture is cancelled.
  • 教授(きょうじゅ)は来(こ)られません。したがって講義(こうぎ)は中止(ちゅうし)です。

2-4 すると N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence indicates an event triggered by or discovered in the first.


  • The pain stopped as soon as I put some medicine on the wound.
  • 薬(くすり)を塗(ぬ)った。すると痛(いた)みが治(なお)った。

2-5 そこで N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence describes a volitional action triggered by something described in the first.


  • The traffic will probably be bad tomorrow so we are thinking of leaving early in the morning.
  • 明日(あした)は車(くるま)が込(こ)むらしい。そこで私(わたし)たちは朝(あさ)早(はや)く出発(しゅっぱつ)する。

POINT 3 : Conjunctions that precede a sentence providing extra information

ポイント3 : 補足的(ほそくてき)に述(の)べる文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く


3-1 ただし N2

 Used in official situations to connect two sentences where the second gives supplementary conditions or exceptions to things mentioned in the first.


  • All the items are at a 30% discount except those on this shelf.
  • 全商品(ぜんしょうひん)が3割引(さんわりびき)です。ただし、この棚(たな)の商品(しょうひん)は除(のぞ)きます。

3-2 もっとも N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides information partially correcting what has been said in the first.


  • Everyone has to attend except those who are sick.
  • 全員(ぜんいん)が参加(さんか)しなければなりません。もっとも病気(びょうき)の場合(ばあい)は別(べつ)です。

3-3 なお N2

 Used in formal situations to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides additional information or an explanation related to the first.


  • I am finished explaining this matter. Please look at the handout for details.
  • この件(けん)の説明(せつめい)は以上(いじょう)です。なお、詳細(しょうさい)についてプリントをご覧(らん)ください。

3-4 ちなみに N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides related information.


  • There're a lot of people who have pets these days. By the way, I have one dog and two cats.
  • 最近(さいきん)は、ペットを飼(か)う人々(ひとびと)が増(ふ)えているようです。ちなみに、私(わたし)も犬(いぬ)1匹(ぴき)とネコ2匹(ひき)を飼(か)っています。 

POINT 4 : Conjunctions that precede a sentence providing additional information

ポイント4 : 追加(ついか)したいことを述(の)べる文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く


4-1 また N3

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides information other than that provided in the first.


  • Excessive wrapping is uneconomical; moreover, it is bad for the environment.
  • 過剰(かじょう)な包装(ほうそう)は不経済(ふけいざい)だ。また環境(かんきょう)にも悪(わる)い。

4-2 その上(うえ) N3

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides additional information.


  • Not only is the food in this restaurant good, it is cheap.
  • この店(みせ)の料理(りょうり)はおいしい。その上(うえ)値段(ねだん)も安(やす)い。

 4-3 しかも N2

 Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides more information or information that is unexpected from what has been said in the first.


  • The hotel I stayed in the other day was shabby and yet expensive. Moreover the service was bad. I will never go back there again.
  • 先日(せんじつ)泊(と)まったホテルは、古(ふる)くて高(たか)かった。しかもサービスが悪(わる)かったので、もう二度(にど)と行(い)かない。 

Japanese Conjunctions list
Elementary N5
Elementary N4
Intermediate N3-N2