POINT 1 : Conjunctions that precede a sentence of adversative conjunction
ポイント1 : 逆説的(ぎゃくせつてき)なことを言(い)う文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く
1-1 ところが N3
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence expresses a fact that is the opposite of what is expected after reading the first. It has the connotation of being unexpected.
1-2 だが N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence does not agree with the information found in the first. It is more formal than “しかし.”
1-3 それなのに N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence expresses a fact that is not a matter of course, based on what is expected after reading the first sentence. It has the connotation of surprise and discontent.
1-4 それでも N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence expresses something clearly independent of the fact mentioned in the first.
POINT 2 : Conjunctions that precede expressing a conclusion
ポイント2 : 帰結(きけつ)を述(の)べる文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く
2-1 そのため[に] N3
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence <expressing a fact> clearly shows a usually not good result.
2-2 それで N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence <expressing a fact> weakly shows a result or progress.
2-3 したがって N2
Used mainly in written language to connect two sentences where the second sentence shows a logical result.
2-4 すると N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence indicates an event triggered by or discovered in the first.
2-5 そこで N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence describes a volitional action triggered by something described in the first.
POINT 3 : Conjunctions that precede a sentence providing extra information
ポイント3 : 補足的(ほそくてき)に述(の)べる文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く
3-1 ただし N2
Used in official situations to connect two sentences where the second gives supplementary conditions or exceptions to things mentioned in the first.
3-2 もっとも N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides information partially correcting what has been said in the first.
3-3 なお N2
Used in formal situations to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides additional information or an explanation related to the first.
3-4 ちなみに N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides related information.
POINT 4 : Conjunctions that precede a sentence providing additional information
ポイント4 : 追加(ついか)したいことを述(の)べる文(ぶん)が続(つづ)く
4-1 また N3
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides information other than that provided in the first.
4-2 その上(うえ) N3
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides additional information.
4-3 しかも N2
Used to connect two sentences where the second sentence provides more information or information that is unexpected from what has been said in the first.
Japanese Conjunctions list
Intermediate N3-N2